Museum shop
A nice souvenir of your visit or an interesting book?
Let us know via the contact form if you would like to have something reserved till your visit or would like us to send it to you and we will take care of it.
From the museum and all the volunteers, thanks in advance!
10 x 10 cm.
2 euro

10,5 x 3 cm.
3 euro

2 x 2 cm.
3 euro

Examples in Navy colors.
Available colors and sizes:
_Black: medium (M), large (L), extra large (XL), extra extra large (2XL).
_Bright royal: small (S), M.
_Burgundy: S, M.
_Convoy grey: 2XL, 3XL
_French navy: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL.
_Black: M, XL.
_Deep navy: S, M, L.

De nieuwe uitgave van “Antwerpen onder de V-bommen, 1944-1945” door Koen Palinckx, een mooie update van deze verplichte lectuur voor iedereen met interesse in dit thema.
24,5 x 15 cm.
19,95 euro

De Finsterwalders kwamen in 1940 met hun dertig bommenwerpers in Deurne bij Antwerpen voor de nieuwe fase in Hitlers veroveringstocht van Europa, de Slag om Engeland. Vrijwel dagelijks vertrokken ze met bommen geladen naar het Albion, met successen en zware verliezen.
25 x 19,5 cm.
24,95 euro
Atlantikwall field guide.

With the MKB Bunkertour field guide you can study the sites you visit in great detail. It contains drawings and lists of most bunker types and details such as armored plates, devices, door, ventilation, etc... Although it has some Dutch text most of the information is free of any language barrier.
21 x 15 cm.
10 euro
The army that got away.

This book contains more than 500 pages with over 900 photographs and 100 maps for the price of €85. Feel free to contact us on any matters regarding shipping or picking it up yourself with a free visit! Jack Didden and Maarten Swarts, authors and friends of the museum, were kind enough to sign a number of copies for our bookshop. Both signed and unsigned copies are still available.
28,5 x 23 cm.
85 euro
Een selectie boeken geschonken als steun voor onze museumwinkel, wij danken de gulle schenkers en hopen dat er iets u kan bekoren!

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