Terms and conditions for guided tours.

  1. Price 6€ per person, the visit includes up to 3 bunkers (Schools; Primary = 3€ p/p, Secondary= 4€ p/p, Higher education= 5€ p/p).

    Persons with disabilities* or enhanced reimbursement pay 2 euro p/p. *Free for accompanying person.

  2. With 8 people or less there is a minimum fee of 50€ (except for school groups).

  3. The suggested date and hour are initially not binding, only after consultation with the guide can they be confirmed.

  4. The applicant confirms agreeing to the terms and conditions and the date, hour and number of visitors for the visit.

  5. The maximum number of visitors per group is around 20. If there are more the group will be divided over multiple guides or consecutive tours.

  6. The date and hour can only be altered after consulation and confirmation.

  7. For every visitor a deposit of 1€ will be made to the KBC account BE 11 7330 0497 7948 of the "v.z.w. Bunker en Vliegtuig Archeo Antwerpen", with mention of the name and date. When there are under 10 visitors a minimum fee of 10€ is requested. The deposit for registered visitors that are absent on the visit are not refunded .

  8. The remaining amount due will be paid on arrival, please provide exact change.
  9. The person leading the group will ensure it stays together during the visit.

  10. No guided tours during the regular opening hours.

 The board reserves the right to make changes.


Besides the small medical bunker, the entrances to the bunkers that have already been opened can only be reached via a staircase. Inside the bunker, everything is on one level, but the passages are a maximum of 80 cm wide and most of them have a raised edge of approximately 7 cm at the bottom. 

We hope to optimize the situation in the future where possible to give as many people as possible the opportunity to visit the museum. Do you have an experience or idea to help with this? Be sure to let us know!


The museum bunker has a fairly constant temperature of around 17 degrees Celcius on average (62.6°F). This is good for our collection but during a tour it can be experienced as chilly by some after a while. Your winter scarf or hat are certainly not necessary but a thin sweater certainly won't hurt if you are more sensitive to the temperature.  

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